Driving Financial Success in Healthcare Through Data Analytics In the modern healthcare landscape, financial sustainability is just as critical as delivering quality patient care....
In today’s data-driven world, organizations invest heavily in analytics, technology, and key performance indicators (KPIs). Yet, despite all the dashboards, reports, and predictive models,...
ROLL RATE ANALYSIS In this article, we will cover what roll rate analysis is and how it is used in credit risk domain. Introduction...
🔹 How the Model Validation Process at Banks Can Drive Business Impact?? Link: https://www.linkedin.com/embed/feed/update/urn:li:share:7291489903228436480 Model validation isn’t just compliance—it directly impacts revenue, risk, and decision-making....
📌 AI in Credit Scoring: Fair or Just Historically Biased? Link: https://www.linkedin.com/embed/feed/update/urn:li:share:7297968941425930240 Two applicants with similar financial behaviors apply for the same loan. One is...
Are We Forcing Machine Learning to Fit the Logistic Regression Mindset? Link: https://www.linkedin.com/embed/feed/update/urn:li:share:7297637290665820160 In risk model validation, I often see a fundamental misalignment between...
Why is the credit card called “𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐟𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 product in banks”? How does VISA/Mastercard make money? The diagram below shows the economics of...
I recently had the chance to speak with MBA students at the University of Economics about the vital role of business experts in data...
9 dashboard design principles: see them in action with real examples Dashboard design principles are all very well, but what do they look like...
How to design and build a great dashboard You don’t need to be a designer to build a dashboard that clearly communicates your key goals and...
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DWH and Dimensional Modeling https://mintea.blog/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/DWH_Dimentional-Modelling.pdf
ISEED Casebook https://mintea.blog/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/INSEED-Consulting-CaseBook.pdf
Top 10 Education Dashboard Templates with Examples and Samples (Source: Top 10 Education Dashboard Templates with Examples and Samples (slideteam.net) When managed right and...
Finance Dashboard What is a CFO dashboard? A CFO dashboard is used by a CFO (Chief Financial Officer) or Finance Director to maintain a...
Management Dashboard Examples What is a management dashboard? Management dashboards are used by managers and team leaders to track both project and team performance....
Marketing Dashboard Example https://www.geckoboard.com/dashboard-examples/marketing/ What is a CMO dashboard? Chief Marketing Officers (CMOs) use CMO dashboards to maintain a high level overview of their...
How to choose the Right Chart for Data Visualization Overview What is Data Visualization How to choose the right chart for your data visualization...
Data fallacies Statistical fallacies are common tricks data can play on you, which lead to mistakes in data interpretation and analysis. Explore some common...
Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) CJM a Helpful Analytical Tool for CLV Customer journey mapping is a common analytical approach to understand the steps, processes, interactions,...
Activation Rate What is activation rate? Activation rate measures the percentage of people who successfully complete a certain milestone in your onboarding process. The...
Executive dashboards: Which metrics should you track and why? You want to grow and strengthen your company, but you can’t do that if all...
RFM Analysis for successful Customer Segmentation Congratulations! You’ve reached the ultimate resource about RFM analysis on the internet. Most other articles you’d find on...
How Holistics Fits Into A Data Organisation A typical analytics process is not so straightforward Why are business users, analysts, and engineers so at...
What is a KPI? | A complete guide to Key Performance Indicators KPI meaning A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a quantifiable measure of...
90+ KPI examples to keep your company on track Making business decisions hinges on knowing how your teams and products are performing. And that...
Free CLV Excel Template Free CLV Excel Template (free-clv-template-for-download) How to Use the Free Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Template There are four steps to...
Excellent Analytics Tip #22: Calculate Return On Analytics Investment! This blog is centered around creating incredible digital experiences powered by qualitative and quantitative data...
What Discount Rate Should Be Used? Choosing a Discount Rate for CLV It would be difficult to argue for a discount rate of any...
What is Customer Equity? Defining Customer Equity Customer equity is the sum of all customer lifetime values for a firm. In other words, we calculate each...
The Role of the Discount Rate in CLV What does a discount rate do? Discount rate converts future cash flows (that is revenue/profits) into...
Reconciling Customer Lifetime Value with Total Profits The accounting challenge of customer lifetime value One of the key challenges with communicating the benefits of...
Financial Metrics for CLV Understanding the financial metrics for customer lifetime value The full customer lifetime value calculator and the free Excel CLV template both provide a summary...
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) may be more appropriate than Marketing ROI Using CLV to determine Marketing ROI Let’s assume that: the average customer acquisition cost for...
Word-of-mouth Benefits for CLV Word-of-mouth benefits when calculating customer lifetime value Customers may also become more profitable over time as they become advocates the...
Marketing Goals and Budgets with CLV Balance of short-term and long-term marketing objectives Because the full customer lifetime value calculation utilizes an appropriate discount...
Increasing the Customer Lifetime Period How to increase the customer lifetime period One way of increasing customer lifetime value (CLV) is to undertake marketing...
Marketing ROI and CLV CLV and Marketing ROI As discussed in the article on the growing importance of marketing metrics, more and more marketers are...
Customer Revenues Increasing customer revenues: A key marketing goal Many marketers focus on growing revenue and most companies will have sales or market share...
Customer acquisition cost formula in CLV In the customer lifetime value calculation, average customer acquisition costs are deducted from the customer’s profit contribution over...
Examples of Customer Acquisition Costs in CLV What are customer acquisition costs? Many people assume that acquisition costs are only the promotional expenses used to attract...
The Leaky Bucket Theory The Leaky Bucket Theory or Analogy? The leaky bucket theory is more of an analogy than a theory. It is...
Customer lifetime value – does the average lifetime period make sense? Perhaps one of the confusing aspects of calculating customer lifetime value (CLV) is working out...
Relationship between CRM and CLV CLV and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) The customer lifetime value equation essentially views a customer as an income stream. So instead...
Should the customer lifetime period be capped at five years? Can a customer lifetime period more than five years? The customer lifetime value template provided on...
Retention Costs in CLV What are retention costs in the customer lifetime value calculation? Retention costs are the marketing costs (or marketing investments) that...
Increasing Customer Revenue Over Time One of the key goals of measuring customer lifetime value is to track the average value over time and...
Calculating WOM in Customer Lifetime Value Word-of-mouth delivers “free” new customers As discussed in the article on word-of-mouth (WOM) benefits, leveraging customer referrals provides a...
Understanding overfitting: an inaccurate meme in Machine Learning Preamble There is a lot of confusion among practitioners regarding the concept of overfitting. It seems like,...
Clever Methods of Overfitting “Overfitting” is traditionally defined as training some flexible representation so that it memorizes the data but fails to predict well...
Cobra Effect How to avoid unintended consequences when setting goals As a leader, setting and communicating goals for your team is crucial for building...
Survivorship Bias – Abraham Wald and the Missing Bullet Holes Jul 15, 2016·10 min read An excerpt from How Not To Be Wrong by Jordan Ellenberg...
Scientific method: Statistical errors P values, the ‘gold standard’ of statistical validity, are not as reliable as many scientists assume. Credit: DALE EDWIN MURRAY For...
How to avoid P Hacking and false positives in research studies There is a replicability crisis in science – unidentified “false positives” are pervading...
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xw_OjVx5gQ Data Governance Data Architecture Data Development Data Operations Data Security Reference & Master Data Data Warehouse & BI Documents...
Cherry picking of data 25 July 2016 by Tejvan Pettinger Cherry picking of data means we look for particular data and statistics that help to illustrate...
Misrepresenting Climate Science: Cherry-Picking Data to Hide the Disappearance of Arctic Ice As the climate science continues to strengthen, and as the observational data...
What is a customer data platform? How is it different from a DMP or CRM? Modern marketing relies on data, we can all agree....
Developing to Developed: The Evolution of Credit Risk Strategies In terms of credit risk strategy, the lending markets in America and Britain undoubtedly lead the...
The Theory of Constraints as a Metaphor for Credit Limit Management When a manufacturer wishes to improve the efficiency of their operation they can turn...
Using Profit Model Analytics to Align Team Goals One of the business world’s most repeated truisms is that you get what you measure. So it stands...
The Very Basics of Scorecards First things first, I am by no means a scorecard technician. I do not know how to build a scorecard...
Profit Model Analytics – A Banking Example The goal of every business is to make a profit and so, by extension, the goal of every...
Exposure Management Exposure management is, in simple terms, the active management of credit limits and balances. There is however, buried in this simplicity, a more...
Balance Growth Strategies Building Revolving Balances Typically, a lender assumes a fixed amount of risk when a revolving credit limit is offered to a...
A Generic Credit Card Profit Model Probably the most common credit card business model is for customers to be charged a small annual fee in return for which...
Existing Customer CLV Formula A fairly standard CLV formula that you will find for measuring the lifetime value of existing customers is: CLV =...
Main CLV Formula Let’s look at the main CLV formula is two ways – the first way in words and then as a CLV equation (see...
Simple CLV Formula There are two main approaches to calculating customer lifetime value. This article discusses the simple approach to calculating customer lifetime value – which...
Definition of customer lifetime value What is Customer lifetime value? Customer lifetime value is a measure of customer profitability over time. To help explain...
How to calculate customer lifetime value (CLV) for a bank Having had a corporate background in banking, I found that customer lifetime value was...
Predicting CLV (demo Python) Customer Lifetime Value prediction The problem In this notebook we look at the data we got via this Kaggle dataset (CreditCard_dataset)....
What is Customer Analytics and Why is it important (with demo by Python) This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon...
End to End Statistics for Data Science Beginner Statistics Introduction to Statistics Statistics is a type of mathematical analysis that employs quantified models and representations...
A Zero-Maths Introduction to Bayesian Statistics Decoding the crusades of the statistics world — Bayesian vs Frequentism This one doesn’t need much introduction. Thousands...
5 Useful Statistics Data Scientists Need to Know Data Science can be practically defined as the process by which we extra information from data....
A/B Testing: A Complete Guide to Statistical Testing For marketers and data scientists alike, it’s crucial to set up the right test. What is...
A Complete Guide on Sampling Techniques for Data Science In this guide, I will share a detailed deep-dive of what is sampling, what are...
Path: Cloud / 000. Research / Banking File: analytics-in-banking.pdf
Path: Cloud / 000. Research / Analytics & BI Source: CRM-using-Predictive-Analytics.pdf 2.3.5 Data transformations and enrichment (Data Preparation) Predictors should by no means...
Path: Cloud / 000. Research / Management **** Source: The Analytics Lifecycle Toolkit Path: Cloud / 000. Research / Management File: building-analytical-roadmap.pdf Path: Google...
Everything you Should Know about p-value from Scratch for Data Science Intermediate Statistics Overview What is p-value? Where is it used in data science? And...
Ứng dụng Big Data trong lĩnh vực ngân hàng Sự phát triển của ngành ngân hàng (Banking) đi đôi với sự ra đời của...
How to Identify Your Best Customers Using RFM Segmentation RFM (Recency Frequency Monetary) analysis or RFM segmentation is an effective customer segmentation technique to...
Tổng quan về ICAAP I. Tỷ lệ CAR, Basel và Tài liệu I.1. Tỷ lệ CAR Tỷ lệ an toàn vốn CAR (Capital Adequacy...
ICAAP – Economic Capital Chào mọi người, Mình đã chia sẻ 1 bài tổng quan về ICAAP theo Thông tư 13. Hôm nay mình...
CPI: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/consumerpriceindex.asp What is the ‘Consumer Price Index – CPI’ The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure that examines the weighted average of...
Banking Dashboard Benefits of Dashboards Stand ahead of time with our real time, dynamic visualization of all relevant Key Performance Indicators. Navigate effortlessly through...
BALANCE SHEET of COMMERCIAL BANK -> Record all Asset & Liabilities & Capital -> MUST balance where: ASSET = LIABILITIES + CAPITAL Asset...
Better Practices for Teaching Business Analytics Taxonomy for academic institutions’ program and course offerings Mainly fueled by the demand from industry, analytics and data...
A COMPLETE GUIDE TO CREDIT RISK MODELLING This article explains basic concepts and methodologies of credit risk modelling and how it is important for...