Customer Journey Mapping (CJM) CJM a Helpful Analytical Tool for CLV Customer journey mapping is a common analytical approach to understand the steps, processes, interactions,...
Tag: customer lifecycle
RFM Analysis for successful Customer Segmentation Congratulations! You’ve reached the ultimate resource about RFM analysis on the internet. Most other articles you’d find on...
Free CLV Excel Template Free CLV Excel Template (free-clv-template-for-download) How to Use the Free Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Template There are four steps to...
What Discount Rate Should Be Used? Choosing a Discount Rate for CLV It would be difficult to argue for a discount rate of any...
What is Customer Equity? Defining Customer Equity Customer equity is the sum of all customer lifetime values for a firm. In other words, we calculate each...
The Role of the Discount Rate in CLV What does a discount rate do? Discount rate converts future cash flows (that is revenue/profits) into...
Reconciling Customer Lifetime Value with Total Profits The accounting challenge of customer lifetime value One of the key challenges with communicating the benefits of...
Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) may be more appropriate than Marketing ROI Using CLV to determine Marketing ROI Let’s assume that: the average customer acquisition cost for...
Word-of-mouth Benefits for CLV Word-of-mouth benefits when calculating customer lifetime value Customers may also become more profitable over time as they become advocates the...
Marketing Goals and Budgets with CLV Balance of short-term and long-term marketing objectives Because the full customer lifetime value calculation utilizes an appropriate discount...